Energy work, Magic, Magick, Withcraft, Sorcery, Spirituality and Mysticism, Theistic Satanism

Working with pentagrams for manifestation, protection, and so on

– my view

In order to work with pentagrams, one should know which way their chackras spin. So first try to spin your chackras to see which way they spin. It is important, because the energy body is connected with the mind and the mind holds all keys – to beyond, to above, to within , and so on. We are merely a passage for the energies of the Universe.

That being said, when I wanna raise above a certain situation, or to get perspective, I use upright pentagram, spinning it in the same direction as my chackras, which is in my case counterclockwise. When I want to let go, let’s say a limiting belief, I use upright pentagram spinning the other way than my chackras, thus I disentangle and raise above the said limiting belief. When I want to attract something, I use an inverted pentagram spinning it according to my chakras. When I want to grind something, let’s say an aggression, I also use inverted pentagram, spinning according to my chackras, but first I attract with it the dark energy of Chaos and Void, then the thing I want to destroy, I grind it, then move on, keeping to spin my pentagram, at first on the same plane with the remains of my grind, then I accelerate and rise using the pentagram as a propeller. If I wanna heal something, I use two pentagrams, overlapped. The inverted one spins the other way than my chackras and is cleansing and throwing outside, the upright pentagram spins the same way as my chackras and heals the wounds. It’s like a surgery but energetical. If I wanna birth something myself, I use an inverted spinning against my chackras, but then I charge myself and the birthed item in the sunlight, which cleans and heals. Pentagrams are overlapped on the body image and we stay inside the body during the process. One’s fears and limiting beliefs should be explored and well-known before starting to work like this, not to backfire you. It might be a good idea to keep in contact with spirit guides before and during the work. Hope it makes sense and helps.

Divination, Energy work, Magic, Magick, Withcraft, Sorcery, Occult, Ancient Mysteries, Spirituality and Mysticism

Nature based divination ideas

While rather elaborate divination methods such as Tarot, Rune or Pendulum are largely used by Pagans (and not only) to gaze into the future, our Ancestors predicted what is about to come into their way using often natural elements. Here an article about how and what the Folk of the Old used to divine what life will look like to them.

Automatic writing and chanelling, Magic, Magick, Withcraft, Sorcery, Spirituality and Mysticism, Theistic Satanism


Sunt propria mea Sitra Ahra

Si popriul meu Copac al Vietii.

Sunt Ourobouros,

Infasurat pe Tronul lui Thaumiel.

Si Tetragrammaton.

Sunt nesfarsita spirala urcatoare,

Unind galaxii, sori, comete.

Duhul meu pluteste peste apele netocmite ale prezentului.

Blasfemiind linistea,

Din soapta mea se nasc luceferii unor lumi limpezi.

In zorii care, iata, apun sangerii

Peste prima zi dinainte de Maine.


Energy work, Magic, Magick, Withcraft, Sorcery, Spirituality and Mysticism

Runes and Ouija for Ostara 2021

This Ostara I’ve prepared an ointment for myself (face and hands), from coconut oil (healing energy), rice oil (abundance), olive oil (healing and connection to the Divine) and turmeric (rising vibration, chakras opening, enlightenment). I also brought snow for one of my altars and consecrated my Ouija board and runes. I blessed the land with an offering of corn, herbs and olive oil. I only hope corn will sprout and will be good for boil in August. Few weeks ago I ordered a pendant with SOL rune worked in silver. The rune was made by Foxy Chaos, a practicioner from Ukraine and was sent to me around Imbolc. In the little box sent by Foxy Chaos I’ve found an entire spell woven for me – a small bag embroiled with Algiz rune, for protection, a bottle with Baltic amber, two drawings by Foxy, some dried lavender and, of course, my silver SOL rune, one of the signs of my Divine Guardian. A letter from the Foxy Chaos was also in the package, wishing me all the best.May Ostara bless all new beginnings with abundance and light of the re-birthed Sun.

May be an image of drink and indoor
May be an image of indoor
May be an image of indoor
May be an image of fire
May be an image of tree, twilight, nature and cloud
No photo description available.
No photo description available.

Ancient Gods and Goddesses, Automatic writing and chanelling, Demons and Dragons, Magic, Magick, Withcraft, Sorcery, Spirituality and Mysticism, Theistic Satanism

A gab with a God

I just closed my eyes and… I was on a craggy peak. Thin, cold air was burning my lungs. There were a slight mist and the sky was cludy.

– Lirach Tasa Vefa Velich Belial…

– It was about time…

– What for now??

– A change. Life changes, It’s their nature. The very nature of the Universe – that is set in motion by the Spirit. Spirit is never still, for it is what drives everything forth.

– I am concerned about myself…

– Very selfless 🙂

– Wit…

– Sure.

– Will it be a hard one?

– If you’d know before hand what is to come, where’d be the fun then?

– So, is going to be a fun part, yet? Until now – not so much…

– You are complaining.

– Do I?

His brown cloack was fluttering in the almost fallen wind.

– Tell me something yet untold – a hidden truth about Universe, to take it with me down there. So I have You with me for all the rest of the time.

– I am always with you and will be for ever. And there are no hidden truths of the Universe. Literaly no secrets As part of the Universe, you already know everything.

– Are you part of the Universe, too?

– Yes and no.

– How that?

– While you call me forth with words that can be uttered by a being of this Universe, then I am.

– And there is… more?

– For sure.

– Can I stay in your presence for a while?

– As long as you can focus.

– Thank you.

Once again I closed eyes, trying to dam thoughts` waves. Scintilating lights were dancing behind my lids. Soon, too soon, air become more breathable and temperature warmer. I was in my gloomy room and Luna was barking outside. A slender rain began, quenching the Earth’s thirst.